Smoked Beef Plate Ribs

If brisket is the king, then plate ribs are the duke of BBQ! These are meaty and delicious and worth all of the effort to cook!

YouTube Instructional:


Beef Short (Plate) Ribs
Coarse Black Pepper
Garlic Minced and Powdered
Kosher Salt
Wagyu Beef Tallow

Hard Apple Cider
Lager Beer

Peach Paper

Step 1: Trim the Ribs

Carefully trim off all of the fat cap on the ribs, trying to not make any huge gouges in the meat

Optional - You could remove the membrane on the back at this point, or score it. I tend to not do either!

Step 2: Salt the Meat

Using a ratio of about 1/4 Tsp per lb of ribs, coat the meat side of the ribs (MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING KOSHER SALT)

place on wire rack in the fridge until all of the salt has been absorbed into the meat

Step 3: Season with Pepper & Garlic

Completely coat the meat side (and sides) of the ribs with coarse black pepper, and a mix of 50/50 garlic powder/minced

Step 4: Smoke at 180

Preheat smoker to 180 degrees

Smoke for Appx 3 hours

Step 5: Smoke at 225

Bump smoker up to 225 and smoked until bark has set and meat temp stalls (around 165 internal)

Begin spritzing with a 50/50 mix of hard apple cider and a lager whenever exterior looks dry

Step 6: Wrap in Beef Tallow

Pull the ribs from the smoker and put tallow onto sheets of peach paper.

Carefully wrap the ribs in the paper and return to the smoker

Bump smoker to 250 and continue to smoke until the meat probes tender between the bones (appx 195-203)

Step 7: Rest

Move the wrapped ribs to an oven (set at around 140)


Move the wrapped ribs to a cooler (I preheat mine by putting hot water in them until I need to use them)

Rest for 3+ hours



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