Smoked Brisket

Brisket is the king of BBQ. And with a little bit of practice and planning you can make it at home to rival most BBQ restaurants. Become the king of BBQ on your street and follow my current favorite methods!

YouTube Instructional:


  • Packer Brisket

  • Kosher Salt

  • Coarse Black Pepper

  • Garlic Powder (or minced) Dry

Step 1: Trim the Brisket

(Make sure the Brisket is just out of the fridge and cold)

First remove the deckle fat chunk on the meat side.

Trim the fat side of the brisket down to about 1/4 inch

Remove the rough edges of the brisket from the packer

trim off the silver skin and any funky fat from the meat side.

square off the entire brisket so its round and the flat side does not have any overly thin sections.

Step 2: Salt the Brisket

Using a ratio of 1/2 Tsp per pound of TRIMMED brisket , completely cover all sides of the brisket, focusing primarily on the sections of meat with no fat covering

Return to the fridge on a wire rack until the salt is completely absorbed into the meat

Step 3: Apply Black Pepper and Garlic

Coat the entire exterior of the brisket with black pepper and garlic. We aren’t adding any additional salt to the meat, so feel free to add as much pepper/garlic as you like.

Step 4: Begin the smoke at 180 degrees

Preheat the smoker to 180 degrees, and smoke for appx 4 hours.

After 4 hours (this is when the meat probably wont take in any more smoke) bump the smoker up to 225

Continue to monitor the meat until the bark stays firm when you try to rub it off. Temp is probably around 155-170. Its now time to pull and wrap.

Step 5: Wrap it up

Set out two sheets of Peach Butcher Paper

Put a bit of wagyu beef tallow (or butter) in the middle of the sheets.

Start to Fold the sides into over the Brisket

Completely fold in the sides of the paper and fold it over lengthwise until completely wrapped up. It should be a tight wrap.

Step 6: Return to Smoker

Bump smoker temp to 250

return the wrapped brisket to the smoker and let it keep cooking until the probe on the FLAT side goes in completely smooth - like inserting into butter.

The point will likely read a temperature much higher than the flat, but it will be fine (it has a lot more fat). Temp on the flat will be around 195-205, but really focus on the probe going in tender. This is absolutely key to a correctly done brisket.

Step 8: Rest the Brisket in a Cooler or Oven

Place the wrapped brisket in a towel, and move to a pre-warmed cooler. (you can use hot water to pre warm your cooler).

Rest here for 6-12 hours. A longer rest really does wonders for a brisket cook!

Step 9: Slice it and eat up!

Start by cutting the flat from the point.

Turn the point 90 degrees and cut in half.



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