Asian Style Grilled Swordfish

Today we are doing a quick grill on the weber kettle. Fish often gets mixed reactions from folks, but many times I find people just haven't had it cooked correctly! Swordfish is an amazing fish and can take on flavors very well! This Asian marinade works perfectly with this cut of fish, and in just a few hours is ready to toss onto your grill. Actual cooking time is pretty quick so you can get this incredibly flavorful fish steak onto your plate super fast! Sound good? Lets get started...

YouTube Instructional:

~1Lb Swordfish Steak (looking for one 3/4 to 1 inch thick)
1/4 Cup Soy Sauce
3 Cloves Minced Garlic
1 Tbsp Sesame Oil
1 Tbsp Minced Ginger
1 Lime (Juiced)
1 Tbsp Brown Sugar
1/2 Tsp Black Pepper

Step 1: Mix together Marinade

Mince up the garlic and completely combine the marinade ingredients

Step 2: Trim and marinade

Trim off anything funky from the Swordfish (usually doesnt require any trimming)

Add to marinade and make sure its all coated.

Move to the fridge for 2-3 hours

Step 3: Preheat and grill


Set up the grill for both direct and indirect cooking.

We are going to put the swordfish onto the direct heat side and baste in the remaining marinade

Once we have good sear, we will flip and baste again

Then, move to the indirect side of the grill until it comes to the temp you desire - it will turn opaque. I look for around 135 degrees

It will only take 7-8 min, and you might not even need to put it onto the indirect



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